WordPress Dashboard Overview Tutorial (Step By Step For Beginners)

WordPress Dashboard Overview In WordPress For Beginners

WP Learning 101

In this video tutorial, we are going to see an overview of complete WordPress dashboard step by step. So let’s get started so now log into your WordPress dashboard on left. We can see all its panel options.

First, we have dashboard home updates. Then we have posts and inside we have all posts, add new categories tags. Then we have media and inside we have library, add new, then we have pages and inside we have all pages, add new.

Then we have comments. After that appearance and inside we have themes. Customize widgets menus background theme. Editor. Then we have plugins and inside we have installed plugins, add new plugin editor.

WordPress Dashboard Overview Tutorial (Step By Step For Beginners)

Then we have users and inside we have all users, add new profile. After the tools and inside we have available tools, import export site, health, export, personal data, erase personal data, then we have settings inside.

We have general writing. Reading discussion, media permalinks privacy next is loginizer security and at last we have collapse, menu click it to collapse and again click it to reopen on top right. We have profile panel here you can see your name edit profile and logout.

Also, we have screen options. Click on it and screen elements will open screen elements can be shown or hidden by using these check boxes. Select these check boxes to show or hide those screen elements like this now close screen options by clicking on it.

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So this is an overview of WordPress dashboard.

Thank you for watching.

WP Learning 101

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