WordPress Classic Editor Explained (Video 8)

WordPress Classic Editor Explained For Beginners (Video 8)

WP Learning 101

Hello and welcome to video number eight. So if you’re not ready for Gutenberg, how do you revert back to the classic editor? So, like many people, you may not be ready for Gutenberg. In fact, if you do a search for it, you’re going to see a huge amount of negative reviews – and this is simply because of the learning curve – it’s not necessarily because it’s bad.

In fact, if you see it’s clearly a lot better than the classic editor in so many ways, but let’s say, for example, you have a client who has a website and they just don’t want to go over the learning curve and they’re editing the site themselves and They’re just frustrated and they’re like i want to go back to the classic editor.

If that is the case, then I’m going to give you some options. There are two ways for you to switch back to the old classic editor that you may be used to number one option. One is to install the classic editor WordPress, plugin and number two.

You can disable the Gutenberg WordPress plugin now bear in mind that option. One is what most of you are going to implement option two and the reason why I included this was because some of your clients or some websites that might be outdated, that haven’t been updated, maybe utilizing the Gutenberg WordPress plugin, but nowadays, from now and on all Of the WordPress updates include the Gutenberg editor built into it.

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WordPress Classic Editor Explained [Video 8 Of 9]

So if that’s the case, you will need to use option one option. Two is very obvious: if somebody installed the Gutenberg WordPress plugin, they would simply need to disable it. So what I’m gonna do now is to show you how to install the classic editor WordPress plugin, so we’re going to hop on over to the website and to do that, you simply go to plugins.

You go to the add new plugin you go over here. You enter the keyword classic editor. This is the classic editor. As you can see, it enables the previous classic editor and the old style Tinymce. So you click install now, click activate and that’s it so now that the old classic editor plugin has been installed, you don’t want to go ahead and edit right away just yet what you need to do is click on settings, so this allows you to customize the Editor a little bit so formatting you’re not going to need to worry about this right here, but by default, it’ll convert emoticons like the smiley face and all that to actual graphics.

So, as you can see, it says, default editor for all users. We got the classic editor, allow users to switch editors, so we’ve got the block editor here and the classic editor, so you can allow them to switch back and forth honestly if you have clients – and they just don’t like the editors, i would just disable.

It click. No, unless they ask you hey, can you switch it back because otherwise it will literally confuse them. So that’s it. What we need to do now is simply go back to post. We click on add new and there we go so now we are back to the old classic editor.

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So if you’re used to that, you don’t have to worry about the blocks or anything like that or back to normal, and that’s it that’s how easy it is to revert back to the old classic editor. So, like i said, option two really is only there.

If your client is using an old website, but for the majority of the cases, 99.9 percent of the time, you’re going to utilize option number one.

WP Learning 101

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