How To Edit Author Profile In WordPress (Step By Step Tutorial For Beginners)

How To Edit Author Profile In WordPress For Beginners

WP Learning 101

In this video tutorial, we are going to take a look at how to edit author profile step by step. So let’s get started so from your WordPress dashboard select posts here you can see all the posts with their author names.

Now you can go to the profile icon on top right and edit your profile or you can go to users and select profile from here now. The profile page will open. First, you have visual editor, syntax, highlighting admin.

Color scheme, select it from the options given. It will change colors as you select them, then we have keyboard shortcuts, from which you can enable keyboard shortcuts for comment. Moderation, you can more information about it from here.

How To Edit Author Profile In WordPress (Step By Step Tutorial For Beginners)

Next is toolbar show toolbar when viewing the site, then username, which cannot be changes from here. Then we have first name and last name. Next – is nickname and display name publicly as after that contact info, in which add your email and website link, then your biographical info and profile picture.

You can change your profile picture on gravatar from here. Then we have new password with set new password button and log out everywhere else. Button in sessions next is applications passwords. You can add new application, password name here and click on this add new application.

Password button once done, click on update profile to save your changes. So this is how you can edit author profile.

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Thank you for watching.

WP Learning 101

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