How To Add Related Posts With WordPress Jetpack

wordpress training for beginners

Boost Engagement with WordPress Jetpack’s Related Posts Feature – A Beginner’s Guide

Are you struggling to keep visitors on your WordPress site engaged with your content? Do you want to encourage them to explore more of what you have to offer? If so, then using related posts is a great solution.

In this article, we’ll show you how to add related posts to your WordPress site using the Jetpack plugin, which is a great option for beginners. We’ll provide step-by-step instructions, real-life examples, and troubleshooting tips to help you get started.


Related posts are links to other content on your site that is related to the post or page a visitor is currently viewing. They are designed to help keep visitors engaged on your site by encouraging them to explore other content. Jetpack’s Related Posts feature is a great way to add related posts to your site quickly and easily, even if you have little to no coding experience.

In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know to get started with Jetpack’s Related Posts feature. We’ll start by explaining what Jetpack is and how to install and activate it. Then, we’ll show you how to configure the Related Posts feature and troubleshoot any issues that may arise. We’ll also compare Jetpack’s Related Posts feature with other related post plugins and show you how to use the Related Posts block in the Gutenberg editor.

What is WordPress Jetpack?

Jetpack is a popular WordPress plugin that provides a wide range of features and services to help you enhance your site’s functionality, security, and performance. It was created by Automattic, the same company behind, and is available for download on the WordPress plugin repository.

what is jetpack

Some of Jetpack’s key features include:

  • Site stats and analytics
  • Contact forms
  • Social media sharing buttons
  • SEO tools
  • Backup and security
  • CDN for images and videos

Jetpack is a powerful tool for beginners as it provides a wide range of features in one convenient package. However, it can be overwhelming to navigate at first, which is why we’ll focus on the Related Posts feature in this article.

How to Install and Activate Jetpack

To use Jetpack’s Related Posts feature, you’ll first need to install and activate the Jetpack plugin on your WordPress site. Here’s how to do it:

how to install jetpack

1. Log in to your WordPress site’s dashboard

2. Go to the Plugins section and click on “Add New”

3. Search for “Jetpack” in the search bar

4. Click on “Install Now” and wait for the plugin to download

5. Once the plugin has downloaded, click on “Activate” to activate it

Once Jetpack is installed and activated, you’ll see a new “Jetpack” menu item in your WordPress dashboard.

How to Configure Jetpack Related Posts

Now that Jetpack is installed and activated, you’re ready to configure the Related Posts feature. Here’s how to do it:

How to Configure Jetpack Related Posts

1. Go to the Jetpack menu in your WordPress dashboard

2. Click on “Settings”

3. Click on the “Traffic” tab

4. Find the “Related Posts” option and click on the toggle switch to turn it on

Once you’ve turned on the Related Posts feature, you can configure its settings to suit your needs. Here are some key settings to pay attention to:

  • Number of related posts: This setting controls how many related posts are displayed at the end of each post or page. The ideal number will depend on your content and site layout, but a good starting point is to display between 3 and 5 related posts.
  • Order of related posts: This setting controls the order in which related posts are displayed. You can choose to display them by relevance, date, or title.
  • Thumbnails: You can choose to display thumbnails of related posts alongside their titles. This can make your related posts more visually appealing and help visitors to identify the content they’re interested in.
  • Contextual matching: This setting ensures that related posts are matched based on their content, not just their titles. This helps to ensure that the related posts are genuinely related to the content the visitor is viewing.
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In addition to these settings, Jetpack also provides a Custom CSS feature that allows you to style your related posts to match the look and feel of your site.

Real-Life Examples of Related Posts

Now that you know how to configure Jetpack’s Related Posts feature, you might be wondering how it works in practice. Here are some real-life examples of how related posts can be used to boost engagement on your site:

Real Life Examples of Related Posts With Jetpack wordpress plugin

1. Cooking Blog

Imagine you run a cooking blog and have just published a new recipe for chocolate chip cookies. By using Jetpack’s Related Posts feature, you can automatically display links to other recipes that use similar ingredients, such as brownies or oatmeal cookies. This can encourage visitors to explore more of your content and find recipes they might not have otherwise discovered.

2. Travel Blog

Now imagine you run a travel blog and have just published a new post about your trip to Paris. By using Jetpack’s Related Posts feature, you can automatically display links to other posts about travel in Europe, such as posts about Italy or Spain. This can encourage visitors to explore more of your travel content and find new destinations to add to their bucket list.

3. News Website

Finally, imagine you run a news website and have just published a new article about the latest developments in climate change. By using Jetpack’s Related Posts feature, you can automatically display links to other articles about environmental issues, such as posts about sustainable living or renewable energy. This can encourage visitors to explore more of your news content and become more informed about important issues.

As you can see, the possibilities for using related posts are endless. By displaying links to other relevant content, you can keep visitors engaged and encourage them to explore more of what you have to offer.

Other Plugins for Adding Related Posts

While Jetpack’s Related Posts feature is a great option for beginners, there are other plugins that can be used to add related posts to your WordPress site. Here are some popular options:


yet another related posts plugin

Yet Another Related Posts Plugin (YARPP) is a popular plugin that provides a range of options for displaying related posts on your site. You can choose to display related posts based on content, tags, or categories, and customize the look and feel of the related posts.

2. Contextual Related Posts

Contextual Related Posts WordPress Plugin

Contextual Related Posts is another popular plugin that uses machine learning to identify related posts based on their content, not just their titles. It also provides a range of customization options, such as the ability to exclude certain categories or tags from the related posts.

While these plugins can be effective for adding related posts to your site, they can be more complex to set up and configure than Jetpack’s Related Posts feature. If you’re a beginner, Jetpack may be a more user-friendly option.

How to Use the Related Posts Block in the Gutenberg Editor

How to Use the Related Posts Block in the Gutenberg Editor

If you’re using the Gutenberg editor in WordPress, you can also use the Related Posts block to display related posts on a specific page or post. Here’s how to do it:

1. Open the page or post where you want to add the Related Posts block

2. Click on the plus sign to add a new block

3. Search for “Related Posts” and select the block

4. Configure the block settings to control the number of related posts, the layout, and other options

5. Preview the block to see how it will look on your page or post

The Related Posts block can be a great option if you want to display related posts on a specific page or post, rather than on every page or post on your site.

Common Issues with Jetpack Related Posts

Common Issues with Jetpack Related Posts

While Jetpack’s Related Posts feature is easy to use, there are some common issues that can arise. Here are some tips for troubleshooting these issues:

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1. Related Posts not displaying

If your related posts aren’t displaying on your site, there are a few things you can check:

  • Ensure that you’ve turned on the Related Posts feature in Jetpack’s settings
  • Ensure that you’ve selected the option to display related posts on the post or page type where you want them to appear
  • Check that your site’s theme supports Jetpack’s Related Posts feature

2. Related Posts displaying incorrectly

If your related posts are displaying incorrectly, you can try the following:

  • Adjust the number of related posts that are displayed
  • Change the order in which the related posts are displayed
  • Ensure that your site’s theme is compatible with Jetpack’s Related Posts feature

3. Related Posts not relevant

If your related posts aren’t relevant to the content your visitors are viewing, you can try the following:

  • Ensure that contextual matching is turned on in Jetpack’s settings
  • Check that your posts are properly tagged and categorized
  • Manually select which posts to display as related

Jetpack’s Related Posts feature is a powerful tool for boosting engagement on your WordPress site. By displaying links to other relevant content, you can keep visitors engaged and encourage them to explore more of what you have to offer.

In this article, we’ve shown you how to install and activate Jetpack, configure the Related Posts feature, and troubleshoot common issues. We’ve also provided real-life examples of how related posts can be used to engage visitors on different types of sites.

By following the tips and instructions in this article, you’ll be well on your way to using Jetpack’s Related Posts feature to its full potential.

How To Show Related Posts With WordPress Jetpack (Step By Step Tutorial)

Here are some detailed bullet points that summarize the main points of the article:

  • The article titled “Boost Engagement with WordPress Jetpack’s Related Posts Feature – A Beginner’s Guide” is aimed at helping beginners add related posts to their WordPress site using the Jetpack plugin.
  • The article is divided into several sections, starting with an introduction that explains what related posts are and how they can boost engagement on your site.
  • The article then introduces WordPress Jetpack and explains its key features, outlining the benefits of using Jetpack for your WordPress site.
  • Step-by-step instructions are provided for installing and activating Jetpack, with details on how to turn on the Related Posts feature.
  • The article then delves into the process of configuring Jetpack’s Related Posts settings to ensure the feature is working correctly. Tips for choosing the best options for your site are provided, including how many related posts to display and what order they should appear in.
  • The article compares and contrasts Jetpack’s Related Posts feature with other related post plugins, such as YARPP and Contextual Related Posts, discussing the benefits and drawbacks of using these other plugins.
  • The article shows readers how to use the Related Posts block in the Gutenberg editor to display related posts on a specific page or post.
  • Common issues that can arise when using Jetpack’s Related Posts feature are discussed, with tips provided for troubleshooting them.
  • The article concludes with a summary of the key takeaways and encourages readers to try out Jetpack’s Related Posts feature to boost engagement on their WordPress site.
  • Real-life examples of how related posts can be used on different types of sites are provided to help readers better understand the practical applications of the feature.
  • The article provides a detailed overview of Jetpack’s Related Posts feature, making it a great resource for beginners who want to improve engagement on their WordPress site.
action plan

Here’s an action plan based on the article “Boost Engagement with WordPress Jetpack’s Related Posts Feature – A Beginner’s Guide”:

1. Install and activate the Jetpack plugin on your WordPress site by following the step-by-step instructions provided in the article.

2. Turn on the Related Posts feature in Jetpack’s settings and configure the settings to suit your needs, including the number of related posts to display, the order in which they should appear, and whether to display thumbnails or not.

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3. Consider using the Custom CSS feature to style your related posts to match the look and feel of your site.

4. Use real-life examples provided in the article to brainstorm ideas for how to use related posts on your site. For example, if you have a cooking blog, you might display related posts that use similar ingredients to the recipe the visitor is viewing.

5. Compare Jetpack’s Related Posts feature with other related post plugins, such as YARPP and Contextual Related Posts, to see which one is the best fit for your site.

6. If you’re using the Gutenberg editor, try using the Related Posts block to display related posts on a specific page or post.

7. Be aware of common issues that can arise when using Jetpack’s Related Posts feature, and use the troubleshooting tips provided in the article to address them if they arise.

8. Monitor engagement metrics on your site to see if the related posts feature is working effectively. You might notice an increase in the average time spent on your site or a decrease in bounce rate.

9. Continue to experiment with related posts and adjust the settings as needed to ensure you’re providing the most relevant and engaging content to your visitors.

By following this action plan, you should be able to successfully implement Jetpack’s Related Posts feature and boost engagement on your WordPress site.

Here are some frequently asked questions:

1. What are related posts in WordPress? Related posts are links to other content on your WordPress site that is related to the post or page a visitor is currently viewing. They are designed to help keep visitors engaged on your site by encouraging them to explore other content.

2. Do I need Jetpack to add related posts to my WordPress site? No, there are other plugins that can be used to add related posts, such as YARPP and Contextual Related Posts. However, Jetpack’s Related Posts feature is a good option for beginners as it’s easy to install and configure.

3. How many related posts should I display? The ideal number of related posts to display will depend on your site and content. However, a good starting point is to display between 3 and 5 related posts.

4. How do I know if Jetpack’s Related Posts feature is working correctly? One way to check if the feature is working correctly is to view a post on your site and see if related posts are displayed at the end of the post. You can also use Jetpack’s debugging tools to check for any errors.

In conclusion, adding related posts to your WordPress site can be a powerful way to boost engagement, reduce bounce rate, and keep visitors exploring your content. By providing links to other relevant content, you can keep visitors on your site longer and encourage them to explore more of what you have to offer.

In this article, we’ve shown you how to use Jetpack’s Related Posts feature to add related posts to your WordPress site. We’ve explained how to install and activate Jetpack, how to configure the Related Posts feature, and how to troubleshoot common issues that may arise. We’ve also provided real-life examples of how related posts can be used on different types of sites.

We’ve also compared Jetpack’s Related Posts feature with other related post plugins and shown you how to use the Related Posts block in the Gutenberg editor. By following the tips and instructions in this article, you should be well on your way to using Jetpack’s Related Posts feature to its full potential.

Overall, Jetpack’s Related Posts feature is a powerful tool for any WordPress site owner looking to boost engagement and keep visitors on their site longer. By using the tips and instructions in this article, you’ll be well-equipped to use the feature to its fullest potential and keep your visitors engaged and exploring your content.

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